Chemical Correlation DataBase (CCDB)

Publicly available studies that have been indexed in the CCDB are listed in this table on the Github repository

Studying correlations among chemicals is a  fundamental approach to understand the relationships among exogenous and endogenous chemicals, which is a major focus of the exposome research. Importantly, identifying these correlations in untargeted metabolomics datasets highlights new hypotheses for further investigations on metabolism and chemical exposures. 

CCDB provides a compound-centric approach to retrieve correlating compounds from metabolomics, biomonitoring and exposomics datasets for a queried compound. The approach allows focusing on prioritized chemicals such as a nutrient, carcinogen, exposure, metabolite or drug. 

This framework covers prioritized data sets in the MetabolomicsWorkBench, EBI MetaboLights, NHANES repositories and published literature. 

CCDB is developed and maintained by the Integrated Data Science Laboratory for Metabolomics and Exposomics (IDSL.ME) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA. 


Barupal, D. K., Mahajan, P., Fakouri-Baygi, S., Wright, R. O., Arora, M., & Teitelbaum, S. L. (2022). CCDB: A database for exploring inter-chemical correlations in metabolomics and exposomics datasets. Environment international, 164, 107240.